Friday 17 May 2013

Hat revisited!!!

To say I was a little bit disappointed to turn up to our last class with Alex thinking that my hat was complete and all I had to do was to turn up and show him, only to be told "you have completed element of this hat to such a high standard and finished it with a terrible looking band" was a bit of an understatement. Especially when Alex took scissors to it to take it off. Now I know that he was paying me a compliment but the memory of having to hand stitch the band onto the crown and bring and the thought of having to do it again filled me with dread. I don't think I have every stuck myself with a needle so many times in all the years I have been sewing. 

I suppose that I was never really happy with the notion that my hat would have a band in the first place because it wasn't how I had designed it. But safe to say (and this is where you know just how much Alex knows his stuff) I am much more happy which the hat band that Alex showed my to do.  

Ta much nicer than the first attempt. :)

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