Wednesday 1 May 2013

Eeek, there's no turning back now.

Eeek, there's no turning back now. Alex has cut the hole in the brim. If it doesn't work now then the whole thing is wasted...:(

The "damaged" brim :(
Hat crown
After a fair amount of stitching which included a lot of finger stabbing the crown and brim were attached although it didn't look very tidy. My sketches did not include the use of a band around the hat crown but due to the way they were attached I had to introduce one. I wasn't mad on the idea however now its finished I think it looks pretty good...........Oh did I say finished??? yeah my hat is finally finished. :)

Tadah!!! Here it is. My finished hat. I think it's a bit cartoony considering that the other girls in my class have made classy looking red and black hats, very femme fetale and here I am with a big green contraption. I must be mental. :) I never seem to do things by halves, but I guess if it wasn't a challenge would it be worth doing???  TTFN

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