Friday 15 March 2013

Making Hats :)

As I have said before for our millinery project we were given the subject of "Dangerous Dames" Having looked at the hat fashions of the 1930's and 40's, American detective novels and film adaptations and the Art Deco movement of the time I came up with a number of designs which were whittled down to 3 and here they are.

This first design was based on the Orchid. In one of the first scenes in "The Big Sleep" we see Humphrey Bogart's character Phillip Marlowe meets General Sternwood in a greenhouse full of orchids.

This design was taken from the balcony railings at the Hotel Martinez in Cannes.
Ant the third design from the "wing" shapes on the exterior of the Eastern Building in Los Angeles (often a setting for film noir films and hard boiled detective novels.

This design is the one I am going to use for my finished piece. I just need to make some samples (now that I have my fabric) and then get on "blocking" my hat. This is the finished layout size for my hat.

While I was in Rejects in Kirkcaldy getting fabric for this project I found this really pretty fabric and treated myself. Am in the process of making it into a dress in this style.  

I love this patterns and have used it about 4 times now......I really need to wear more dresses. TTFN

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