Thursday 31 October 2013

More birthday money fabric

I got myself some nice jersey fabrics and made myself some t shirt tops. 

3/4 sleeve
Short sleeve slash neck
Short sleeve this is actually the green fabric but it looks  quite grey. 

Not sure this top worked out the way I wanted. Would have liked it to have been longer. 

Weaving it was so much fun.

Back in September I took part in a two day weaving course run by James Donald (one of my tutors from college)  It was so much fun and I'm really please that I took the opportunity to do this course.  I would greatly recommend it to anyone who wants to have a go at weaving. Hear are some photos from the weekend. I will apologise now if any of my terminology is wrong.   
Setting up the warping threads.  Round and round and round we go. 
Separating the warp threads with the separating rods at the bottom......oh and a cup of tea. 
The "disgusting pink stuff" was to help us count out every 20 warp threads.
Starting to thread the loom. 
Attaching the warp threads to the back of the loom before winding them on. 
Warp threads on the separating rods.
The treadles.......eek have to thread each of these. 
The warp threads separated out along the back of the loom. 

Starting to thread. 

Once all the treadles were threaded.

More threading.....Two at a time this time though so much quicker. First job of Sunday morning.
Tying onto the front of the loom....nearly time to start weaving. 
Its a bit blurry but this was starting with a plain weave to draw

Starting the twill weave

The weaving pixie, domino.

We were obviously no fun.

Oops that doesn't quite look correct but I quite like it.

We have a breakage .......
Tying in the loose wrap thread for now. 
Yay all done. just needs washed up and a few loose ends sorted out. TTFN