Thursday 23 January 2014

2014 already???

Where has the time gone. I am thinking that I am not very good at this blogging business but I do enjoy it then I blog so here's a little recap of what I got up to last term at College. September saw the start of second year of my HND Textile Art at Dundee College (which amalgamated with Angus College at the start of November to become, wait for it........Dundee and Angus College, what a surprise right!)

Things were a little different this year and instead of 6 different projects for 6 different modules, the modules were paired together so that we had only 3 projects. I think this work much better because it gave us more time to concentrate on looking at each theme and more development time for our ideas.

First up there was Digital Imaging and Fashion Construction. We had to look at future fashion trends and in selecting one design and make a garment based on this theme. As well as sketches we had to create some digital work to accompany our sketchbook. I looked into White Wiccan and Romantic Illusion but I found the first theme more inspirational.

Some inspiration for the white wiccan theme
 Here are my final design ideas. 


Digital Imaging Moodboard
In the garment construction part of this project we had to create the pattern from scratch (following the bible Metric Pattern Cutting for Womenswear) This was quick a challenge as although I have made clothes for over 15 years I have never properly created a pattern from nothing, it was a good skill to have a go at and I may use this in future for making clothes. 

And here it the finished is the finished piece. It took a while to sew on at the laser cut triangles but I think it was worth it. 

So I'm going to sign off for now but will be back real soon to tell you about the other 2 projects. TTFN

Thursday 31 October 2013

More birthday money fabric

I got myself some nice jersey fabrics and made myself some t shirt tops. 

3/4 sleeve
Short sleeve slash neck
Short sleeve this is actually the green fabric but it looks  quite grey. 

Not sure this top worked out the way I wanted. Would have liked it to have been longer. 

Weaving it was so much fun.

Back in September I took part in a two day weaving course run by James Donald (one of my tutors from college)  It was so much fun and I'm really please that I took the opportunity to do this course.  I would greatly recommend it to anyone who wants to have a go at weaving. Hear are some photos from the weekend. I will apologise now if any of my terminology is wrong.   
Setting up the warping threads.  Round and round and round we go. 
Separating the warp threads with the separating rods at the bottom......oh and a cup of tea. 
The "disgusting pink stuff" was to help us count out every 20 warp threads.
Starting to thread the loom. 
Attaching the warp threads to the back of the loom before winding them on. 
Warp threads on the separating rods.
The treadles.......eek have to thread each of these. 
The warp threads separated out along the back of the loom. 

Starting to thread. 

Once all the treadles were threaded.

More threading.....Two at a time this time though so much quicker. First job of Sunday morning.
Tying onto the front of the loom....nearly time to start weaving. 
Its a bit blurry but this was starting with a plain weave to draw

Starting the twill weave

The weaving pixie, domino.

We were obviously no fun.

Oops that doesn't quite look correct but I quite like it.

We have a breakage .......
Tying in the loose wrap thread for now. 
Yay all done. just needs washed up and a few loose ends sorted out. TTFN 

Friday 13 September 2013

Latest projects

So that's it, the summer has been and gone and we are already 2 weeks into college. I really don't feel like I've done very much so far, but then things have been just as hectic out of college as they have been at college. So taking a quick breather to show off what I made with the fabric I bought in Chester with my birthday money! :) 
I got the idea for this one while watching Doctor Who, Clara was wearing a dress like this and seeing as I couldn't get hold of one online I figured the next best thing was to make one of my own. :)
The picture doesn't really do this justice but I have worn it along to the prize giving ceremony we had last Monday. It was good fun and I got a ceficticate and everything. :)
I had a bit of a boo boo with the shirt. Firstly I didn't have enough fabric which is why the button section is a different colour. And then just as I though things were going so well I caught the sleeve in the overlocker and cut a big hole in it hence the red section in the arm. I have to admit that I still need to do the button holes. (I really hate them)

So it's time to get back to research for our three projects. Will be back soon to blether on about them. :) TTFN 

Thursday 15 August 2013

Where has the time gone!!!

I can't believe that I haven't been on here since May. Where has the summer gone. Only a couple of weeks left till I start HND year 2. So what have I been up too.........

Well I found out at the fashion show that I won a prize for my hat, have to wait till the prize giving ceremony on the 9th of September what I won, but if nothing else its an excuse to wear something that I have made over the summer.

When I was in Oban way way back at the start of June we went to the Sealife Sanctuary and on their new nature trail (in tribute to Terry Nutkins) they mentioned that Harris Tweed used plants such as lichens to dye the wool they use in their weaving. I am hoping to have a shot of dyeing fabrics with plant dyes before the summer runs out but time will tell.

I did finally get a chance to do something with the fabrics that Liam and Kristen gave me for Christmas when they came to visit at Easter.

Here we have the dress I made for Uncle Bob's 60th birthday and Uncle Bob and Auntie Ronnie's 20th wedding anniversary. Phil from the cricket club said I won "dress of the day" 
Who needs to buy a Tilly and the Buttons shirt pattern (don't get me wrong I love the girls idea and work) .....but I put this pattern together myself, saved myself £7 on that. I have to admit I hate button holes and the self covered buttons were a bit fiddly but I love how this worked out. Just need to get some more fabric to more.

I also took a chance and spoke to my tutor James who co-owns a shop in Edinburgh called Concrete Wardrobe on Broughton Street. He had noticed one of the cards I had made and after talking to him in July  he agreed to give my cards a shot in his shop. Fingers crossed.....
So summer is nearly over but before I get stuck back in the classroom I plan to make a final couple of projects with the fabrics I bought with my birthday money in Chester (they came all the way from Dallas, Texas though...spooky) Maybe something to wear to prize giving. :) 
Pictures to follow..........TTFN